Production Manager Anne Tissari

I'm Anne Tissari, and I work as Genelec's Production Manager overseeing the manufacturing of our circuit boards.
During the same year that my eldest daughter graduated from high school and my eldest son got married, I decided to start an electronics course at Finland's Savonia University of Applied Sciences. Later, as I wrapped up my studies, I was delighted to find work as an engineer at Genelec. I quickly got involved in a project for our now discontinued 8130A and spent time in product development. After that project finished, I had a year away from Genelec. Since coming back to the company, I've worked a couple of years as an electronics technician, eleven years as a maintenance engineer and have now spend more than four years performing in my current role.
Among my main duties is the continuous quality control of the circuit boards we produce. I also organise our work queue so that the boards we need the most are first in line, I take part in various planning and follow-up meetings and, if necessary, I agree on procedures with the production specialists when we have a change in our tasks for any reason. What fascinates me most about my job is that I get to interact with many different people. I also highly value that our team is incredibly skilled and committed to Genelec's core values.
The company has set its own ambitious sustainability targets, which I try to keep in mind and take into account with my work. In my personal life, I do my best to reduce carbon emissions and unnecessary consumption. I have found that mat weaving is a good hobby to support a circular economy by cutting worn and broken clothes into rugs. There is only one planet Earth, and it's suffering in many ways because of human activity. To me, sustainable development means that every one of us, in our own small way, does the best we can to slow down climate change.
Alongside mat weaving, I also enjoy other handicrafts such as knitting, crocheting and sewing. I also spend my free time doing walking, water running and water aerobics, plus a little voluntary work for my local parish. When my kids were little, I took care of them at home. Nowadays, my husband and I live alone at home. My five children are now grown up. Two live nearby in the same town and three further afield. They've given me nine wonderful grandchildren, some of whom are also grown up.
Thinking back on my time with Genelec, there are many memorable moments, especially those when we've had reason to celebrate. One event stands out above the rest, which is when we had an old pair of 1022A loudspeakers in for servicing. When the owner got his loudspeakers back, he made a joke that "it's like Christmas has come now that my speakers are working well again". My colleague responded with humour by giving them a Christmas card wishing them a great time listening to the refurbished loudspeakers. During the last week of August, when we were having a maintenance meeting, we received a special surprise treat. A tray arrived that was filled with Christmas cakes and cookies, all embellished with Christmas decorations. Our happy 1022A owner had ordered us the treats from a local pastry shop.
All in all, I have been very happy working at Genelec and I'm grateful for this opportunity.
Greetings from a colleague
*Anne, you are a top professional in your role! You are always friendly and caring; you give everyone your attention. You listen so well and take matters into proper discussion. You are a pillar of trust and always ready to help others. Thank you for being a great colleague! *
Your colleague, Piia-Riitta Bergman