Logistics Production Manager Samu Männikkö

Hi, I'm Samu Männikkö. I work in Genelec's Iisalmi factory as a Logistics Production Manager, and I'm also a part of our IT Team, where my responsibilities include Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) administration tasks.
Before arriving at Genelec, I was already familiar with the company through my musical hobbies, and I also knew a few of the company's employees from around this small town of ours. I first joined Genelec while I was studying. At the time, I needed an internship to complete one of my projects and I found the company's business and products to be very interesting, so I enthusiastically applied. To my delight, I was invited to start a traineeship in the logistics team in 2013. Even better, I was offered a job at the end of my traineeship, which I gladly accepted. I think becoming a trainee is a good way to get a job if you're interested in a field yet have minimal work experience. At Genelec, many people have started their career this way.
So, there I was, fully integrated into the Export and Logistics Team, and my responsibilities centred around customer service for our Western European importers, which included taking orders, invoicing and preparing export documents for dispatch. These days, my responsibilities have changed. I now work on a variety of tasks related to deliveries, warehouse operations and logistical systems. I also take care of the overall development of the things I work on day to day. On an average morning, I start by checking email and then move on to daily meetings, which involve both internal and external parties. What I enjoy most about my job is solving tough challenges, and there's no shortage of twists and turns along the way. Of course, I haven't forgotten the great people I get to work with as well!
Over the years, I've made a lot of great memories at Genelec, so it's hard to pick a certain moment to tell you about. There is one story that stands out though, and it's from a time when I was still fairly new at Genelec. I remember we had a truckload of loudspeakers ready to go to an important installation site in Italy. It was just before Christmas, and the deadline for delivery was extremely tight. The seasonal timing and challenging schedule made it difficult to arrange transport, so we ended up making hours of phone calls to every respectable freight company we could find. After a lot of enquiries and discussions, we succeeded; the customer received their shipment on time, and all was well – a great team effort!
Aside from working in Iisalmi, I also live here as part of a wonderful family of six. Life can be hectic at times, and quiet moments are rare, but when I'm not helping the kids get to hobbies or taking care of domestic tasks, I'm usually playing music. There are many ways I enjoy music, like listening to my favourite artists, writing songs, and playing guitar and piano just for my own pleasure. I also like to play in bands. I would say I'm an omnivorous consumer of music, not particularly attached to any genre. My favourites range from black metal to country, indie and electronic music. Another passion of mine is NHL hockey, which I follow very actively. I also try to get in shape from time to time, but to be honest, that's always a bit of a work in progress!
As a father, I often think about the kind of world I'd like to leave for my children. I want the future conditions to be right for my children and their children to have a good life. At Genelec, every department monitors its environmental impact closely. In logistics, we calculate greenhouse gas emissions as accurately as possible, and we have measured indicators and targets that we've set for our activities. For all outgoing and incoming goods, we actively optimise the transport systems we use and we're constantly improving the sustainability of our packaging. We even assess sustainability at our supplier level, making sure our partners' practices meet our criteria, and we always prefer to work with those that are as close as possible to our factory.
I think we should all play our part in ensuring we move towards being in harmony with nature.
Greetings from a colleague,
Samu is a fine colleague with a very dedicated and passionate approach to work and a little twinkle always in his eye.
Your colleague, Marko Rönkä