Maxe Axelsson chooses the perfect Genelec mastering combination

Torsås, Sweden, April 2021… Maxe Axelsson has selected what Genelec believes to be the perfect combination for mastering as the latest addition to his facilities at PAMA Records. The upgrade to the mastering studio means that it now benefits from the 8351B coaxial three-way monitor and the W371A adaptive woofer system.
“We had never had this type of combined system in the studio before and at first we were a bit unsure about the idea,” admits Axelsson. “But once it was installed, we were completely blown away! The concept of combining the W371 woofer system with ‘The Ones’ coaxial design of the 8351 allowed a free-standing full range system for us, and we are planning to install that type of hybrid more in the future – it completely fixes every last detail in the room and is therefore at the heart of our mastering process.”
The combined Genelec system created directivity for Axelsson as well as total freedom from negative room influences. “We originally had the Genelec 1038ACs as mains in the mastering room, and this was a great monitor to use for this. We loved the sound of these three-way centre speakers in a stereo setup and we were really happy with them, but then we had a problem with the bass that we couldn’t really fix,” he explains. “So, we decided to get in the W371s, not really thinking it would be the final solution, but after the second calibration was set up and combined with the back wall reflections, it managed to take care of exactly what we needed it to – we had never seen that type of installation work before. We are not disappointed, we love the system!”
To get the best out of the new setup, Axelsson chose to use GLM loudspeaker manager software for both the studio’s final configuration as well as for its day-to-day operation. “I always use the GLM setup,” he explains. “It’s more than a good speaker calibration system, it’s great for comparing levels while we’re mastering as well as finalising little details. We also use it as a monitor controller, especially with the new GLM 4 version, and we always have the reference mic and GLM connected which creates a nice flow.”
This new mastering suite is just one example of where Axelsson’s passion for Genelec can be seen. But away from the mastering suite, Genelec monitoring is also seen everywhere throughout the building. In Studio 1, which is primarily used for EdTech’s e-learning projects, 8341 and 1037 three-way studio monitors combine with a 7071 subwoofer. While in Studio 3, PAMA’s music studios, Axelsson has opted for 8010, 8351 and 1234 monitoring solutions.
“Genelec is the standard that we are happy to work around,” says Axelsson. “It is our reference wherever we go. The technology surpasses all of our expectations every time, and we are working with an amazing set up at the moment which is by far the perfect solution for us.”