Genelec Artist Room Welcomes The New Baroque Company

null Genelec Artist Room Welcomes The New Baroque Company

Genelec Artist Room Welcomes The New Baroque Company

Audioguy Studio in Seoul, South Korea, specialises in producing acoustic music – including classical, jazz, and the ‘Gukak’ style of Korean music.

In this exclusive international Genelec Artist Room performance, Audioguy hosted The New Baroque Company, a group of artists who use ‘early music’ instruments to fuse baroque music with other genres.

The main recording area at Audioguy has a much longer reverberation time than a traditional studio, and at 2.7 seconds the space behaves much more like a concert hall than a dry sounding live room. With a lot of reflected sound from the walls, ceiling and floor, the studio produces a unique and colourful sound – ideally suited to a group like The New Baroque Company.

The quartet consists of violinist Hyunjung Choi, baroque cellist Yujin Chang, harpsichordist Arend and singer Nari Kim, who specialises in ‘Junga’ – a style of Korean classical vocal music.

Nari Kim explains that “When I first came to Audioguy studio, the walls were all white and beautiful. And the resonance of the room was so great, I really enjoyed singing here.”

Hyunjung Choi continues “Everytime we are here, we do not feel any pressure while recording. This place has an atmosphere that makes us very comfortable while playing.”

We’re sure you’ll agree that the combination of baroque music and Audioguy’s exquisite acoustics makes for a beautiful listening experience.


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