AES New York 2024
8. - 10.10.2024

This year we proudly showcased our new UNIO Personal Reference Monitoring solution. Visitors had the chance to experience the seamless integration of in-room and personal headphone monitoring, made possible by our two stations featuring a pair of ultra nearfield 8331As, 9320A SAM Reference Controller, Reference Measurement Microphone, and the brand-new 8550A Professional Reference Headphones. Attendees were shown the advanced headphone calibration features in GLM delivering an incredibly accurate monitoring experience.
Our immersive room featured the powerful 8381A Adaptive Point Source Main Monitors as main L-R, an 8361A with W371A Woofer System in the center, four 8351Bs for surrounds, four 8341As for overheads, and a 7380A subwoofer – all precisely calibrated for the room with GLM software.
Throughout the show we hosted immersive audio masterclasses by world renowned lecturers who shared their insights and audio examples. Thank you to everyone who stopped by!
Booth Schedule
Tuesday, October 8th
1:00pm - Demos in Stereo and 3D
2:00pm - Enveloping Masterclass with Richard King
3:15pm - Enveloping Masterclass Susan Rogers
4:30pm - Enveloping Masterclass with Morten Lindberg
Wednesday, October 9th
10:00am - Enveloping Masterclass with Lasse Nipkow
11:00am - Enveloping Masterclass with Ulrike & Jim
2:00pm - Demos in Stereo and 3D
2:00pm - Auditory Envelopment Paper (Room 1E03)
3:15pm - Enveloping Masterclass with Ksenia Kawko
4:30pm - Enveloping Masterclass with George Massenburg
Thursday, October 10
10:15 - Bob Katz & Hyunkook Lee: 3D for Two
11:15am - Demos in Stereo and 3D
12:00pm - Headphones in Monitoring Paper (Room 1E03)
1:45pm - Marcela Zorro & Florian Camerer: 3D for Two
3:00pm - Exploring Immersive Mixing Options with The METalliance